We’re looking for new collaborators!

If you are a young musician/sound artist looking to take your artistry to the next level, we want you to apply to the Tonetic Artist Programme.

What is the Artist Programme?

The Tonetic Artist Programme is an 11 month programme in which selected artists (maybe you?) will be given the resources, knowledge and support they need to realise their artistic vision and shape their future in music.

What is Tonetic?

Tonetic Records is a creative music community that amplifies young voices, helping them overcome barriers into the music industry. We provide an inclusive space for artists ages 16-25 to develop their music skills, gain live performance experience, connect with other creatives, access vital industry knowledge, and realise their artistic vision.

We are a record label and youth-lead project, in partnership with the charity Arts Education Exchange. Our recording studio is based in Cliftonville, Margate.

What will I do?

Develop Music Skills

  • As part of the Tonetic Artist Programme every Monday you will have access to our in-house recording studio. There you can rehearse, rework, and record your music. 

  • At your fingertips you will have professional music software including Logic Pro and Ableton Live and a wide range of instruments and music technology. 

  • The Tonetic team will be on hand to help you to write and produce your tracks, with a dedicated studio engineer available for all studio sessions.

  • Request to book in time for learning new skills to develop as a musician, under the mentorship of a Tonetic team member or an external tutor.

Access vital industry knowledge

  • The Tonetic team will be on hand to provide you with advice and knowledge on the music industry and navigating it as a young professional. 

  • We will also host industry masterclasses throughout the year, where you’ll meet and participate in talks with music industry professionals with a vast range of experience.

Release your music and build your brand

  • You will be set up with the info and tools you need for recording, releasing and promoting your music, giving you insight and control over every part of the process.

  • Learn how to develop a marketing campaign for your releases, receiving guidance and feedback on your pitching and press kit.

  • Build a brand for your music with cover artwork, merch and pitching.

Gain live performance experience

  • The Tonetic team can work with you to develop your outreach to venues and music promoters and signpost you to gig and performance opportunities.

  • Tonetic Records will organise two events held within respected venues in the local area which you will be invited to feature on. These events will be community focussed and take place in a safe, supportive environment.

Connect with other creatives

  • By working with Tonetic Records you are joining a growing network of Kent and Thanet based artists. 

  • Wherever possible we’ll set you up with opportunities for collaboration with local creatives, with a focus in sharing creative knowledge, co-creation, feedback and moments of joy.

  • Form meaningful connections that last.

  • Consider themselves a music artist/band.

  • Feel that they can’t/ dont have the means to support their music or the tools to create it (e.g. studio time)

  • Have faced economic and/or social barriers to making music or learning about music and the industry.

  • Are interested in learning about the music industry

Who can apply?

We are looking for young people who:

Our outreach will be primarily based in Thanet and Canterbury. 

If you are interested and are in a band, you may apply as a single artist, releasing your bands music on the label, or apply all together.
If you are not a musician and just want to learn about the music industry you can still apply (Please do!).

How to apply

Please send in your application by the 24th of April 2024

If you have any questions about the project please email Tom at tom@artsedex.org.